18 October 2009

Android project - day #1

Software packages:

  1. Android Software Development Kit (SDK) 1.6 (download)
  2. Eclipse SDK 3.5 (download)
  3. JavaEE SDK (download)

Bibliography and online references:

[1] Google's Android Developer's Guide (link)

[2] andbook! Android Programming
     Gramlich, Nicolas.

[3] Beginning Android.
     Mark L. Murphy. 
Apress 2009. ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4302-2419-8
     ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4302-2420-4

[4] Android™ A Programmer’s Guide
     Jerome.F. DiMarzio.
     McGraw-Hill 2008. ISBN: 0-07-159989-4

[5] Android Application Development, 1st Edition.
     Rick Rogers, John Lombardo.
     O'Reilly Media 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0-596-52147-9

[6] Pro Android. Apress 2009.
     Sayed Y. Hashimi, Satya Komatineni.
     ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4302-1596-7 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4302-1597-4

[7] Professional Android™ Application Development
     Reto Meier.
     Wiley Publishing 2009. ISBN: 978-0-470-34471-2


First step – Android SDK installation.

Estimated working time: 2 hours

10 May 2009

Useful keyboard shortcuts in ECLIPSE

Ctrl+F6 - will give you a list of open tabs that you can scroll through.
Alt+< arrows > - does switch tabs, but it in a very strange way that seems to have something to do with the order they were opened or modified or something.
Ctrl+PgUp\PgDn - to switch tabs, as I do, then you can only switch between the property pages once you’ve hit an editor which has property pages.

21 March 2009

Google Reader

These are my RSS subscriptions. You can save this file as *.xml and then Import it into your RSS reader. I will update the list occasionally. You are welcome to share with me any site or blog you find to be interesting. Here you can see some selected items I liked.

21 January 2009

lenovo software update bug


1. Lenovo Power Manager stuck and memory leaking.
2. Fn-keys are inappropriate behavior.


I’m updating Lenovo software manually. There were some recent published updates that I installed this morning. Lenovo Power Manager 1.51a and other packages in recent Lenovo software update are full of bugs. They are simply bad, maybe influenced by Vista: awful code (can’t find any other explanation for memory leak and the mess in the registry) and cool graphics. I can’t understand why do anybody needs this rubbish updates with no new features, no bugs fixed – just new useless GUI.

before - after


Hey! People! Stop it! Why do we need this stupid aimless bar? There is no meaning to any of intermediate values on this bar. Why didn’t they do a small poll bar with two or more options as it was? And why, for God's sake, any update influence Fn-key functionability?
BTW those bugs were found and reported in the middle of Dec 2008 but nothing has been done since.

After digging for hours in Lenovo support pages and different forums the solution was found.


Power Manager bug fix
  1. Close Power Manager.
  2. Run regedit.exe
  3. Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies and delete ALL the policies.
  4. Open up a Power Manager. This action will create 4 default profiles when none exist. Don't worry about not being able to set them just yet.
  5. Create any custom profiles that you want. Don't worry about not being able to set them.
  6. Renumber (rename) ALL policies starting from 1.
  7. Set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\CurrentPowerPolicy to an existing number.

Fn-keys separate update.